1. Download the Template:
    Download the latest RJEST Template v2025. This template provides all necessary guidelines and formatting for your publishable article, including text content, tables, figures, and equations.
  2. Prepare Your Manuscript:
    Use the downloaded template to prepare your article. In addition to the article content, ensure that you include:
    • The anonymized article text for the peer review process. To anonymize your article text, remove all identifying details such as author names, institutional affiliations, acknowledgments, and any other information that could reveal the identity of the authors.
    • A cover letter presenting the highlights of your research (refer to the downloadable cover letter template).
    • The Author(s) Bio, ensuring that each author is represented with a brief biography (refer to the downloadable Author(s) Bio template).
  3. Use Existing Account or Register on the RJEST Platform:
    If you already have an account, simply log in to continue. If you are a new user, navigate to the RJEST homepage and click “Register” in the upper-right corner of the header. Complete the registration form with the required details and click “Register” to create your account.
  4. Start a New Submission:
    Upon successful registration, you will receive access to three links. Select “Make a New Submission” and verify that all submission requirements are met.
  5. Specify Corresponding Author:
    If you are the corresponding author, check the Corresponding Contact box. Carefully read the copyright and privacy statements, check both boxes, and then click “Save and continue.”
  6. Upload Your Files:
    Go to the Upload Submission tab and upload your manuscript, anonymized article, cover letter, and author(s) bio. In addition to your manuscript, consider including supplementary files such as your dataset or instruments. Ensure that every file is properly and correctly tagged. When finished, click “Save and continue.”
  7. Enter Metadata:
    On the Enter Meta tab, provide all necessary metadata. Make sure that every author and co-author is included in the List of Contributors, and supply the relevant keywords and references.
  8. Finalize Submission:
    Click “Finish Submission” to complete the process.