Online Multi-Function HEIs Tracking System

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Jose Leo G. Redoblo


The study aimed to develop the Online Multi-function HEIs Tracking System for Carlos Hilado Memorial State College (CHMSC) four (4) campuses. The system is an online campus-wide document tracking dissemination that covers storing, viewing, retrieving, archiving, and maintaining information security. The technical features of the system include document management, document protection, sender-receiver notification, user's credential management, system audit logs, and automatic data backup. A developmental research approach using Rapi Application Development (RAD) was applied to design and create the system. A sender-receiver email notification was applied using the MUA and MTA secured connection. The system has user credential management for usernames and passwords, systems audit logs for the system's credibility, and an automatic data backup to protect data loss and future recovery. The system was evaluated using the ISO/IEC 25010:2011, Systems and Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). The usability of the system was rated very high by thirty (30) respondents composed of the document controllers, faculty, ICT personnel, and the Record office staff of CHMSC. The study contributes to the management of documents in the four campuses of CHMSC with secured electronic data storage through the VPN method. It hastens the transactions and services and improves the operational efficiency of CHMSC Record's Office. The other neighboring institution may adopt the developed software to enhance transactions and services of their records management office. The Online Multi-Function HEIs Tracking System is the next logical step for the institution to improve efficiency in records management.

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How to Cite
Redoblo, J. L. G. (2021). Online Multi-Function HEIs Tracking System. Research Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 24–35. Retrieved from


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