Development of Printed Log-Periodic Planar Antenna using Fractal Kochgeometry
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Digital terrestrial television (TV) broadcasting has been adopted in the Philippines with the Digital Switch last 2017. TV viewers can now experience the digital picture and sound through free-to-air TV signals in the household. Nevertheless, the quality of TV pictures and sound studies on digital TV has not been realized because it requires the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) assessment (ITU-R BT.500-13) reference. This paper aimed to develop a printed log[1]periodic planar antenna where the antenna arrays were based on Fractal Koch geometry and determine the digital picture and sound quality received from a digital television box. The calculated Fractal Koch geometry was applied to the printed circuit board, and circuitry was assembled to evaluate TV picture and sound quality. Ten (10) random TV viewers participated in the subjective assessment using ITU-R BT.500-13 evaluation procedure for sound and picture quality laboratory set-up. Mean and standard deviation was used to measure the digital TV signal’s picture and sound quality level. Based on the results, the overall mean scores of the TV picture and sound quality were 4.59 and 4.68 with the standard deviation values of 0.58 and 0.48, interpreted as excellent respectively. TV picture and sound quality were imperceptible to the TV viewers. FractalKoch Geometry is a novel method for reducing antenna array length in the development of log-periodic printed planar antennas that receive a digital television signal, allowing TV viewers to experience smoother images and better sound quality from digital television broadcasts.

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