The Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Quality of School Heads in the Public School System

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Ronora S. Malaga


The paper takes into account the changing context of intelligence in educational leadership. It mainly explored and reflected on the relationship between school heads' emotional intelligence and leadership quality and their variant factors. A descriptive-correlational research design was adopted covering the randomly selected 55 public school heads in the division of Negros Occidental. The Emotional Quotient Metrics (EQM) and domain 1 of the 2010 National Competency-Based Standards for School Heads (NCBS-SH) were administered and respectively utilized to gauge emotional intelligence (EI) and leadership quality (LQ) index of the respondents. Statistical average mean, standard deviation, Mann Whitney U, and Kruskal Wallis H, and regression analysis were utilized for the treatment analyses of data. The public school heads showed a high level of EI and LQ. Age and years of leadership experience resulted in a significant difference in their EI and LQ. Nevertheless, sex was inconsequential to such variation. EI and LQ were linearly correlated. Leaders with high EI subsequently demonstrated a high level of leadership quality. Understanding the value of emotional intelligence in leadership may serve as a criterion for hiring, promotion, and succession planning.

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Malaga, R. (2021). The Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Quality of School Heads in the Public School System. Research Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 36–56.


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