Development of an Online Management System for Institutional Sustainability Assessment

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Cristine V. Redoblo


The study focuses on developing a management system for institutional sustainability and an evaluation of its quality in use. When used, the system could document classification, loading, assessment, security,assessment rating reports, and system audit logs. ISA system was an online communication platform for flexibility in the evaluation and organization of documents. It includes user credentials and access rights, upload and download documents, view assessment results, and print documents and summary results. The outcome of the assessment determines the Higher Education Institution’s Sustainability. The study used a developmental research approach and a Rapid Application Development (RAD) System Life Cycle to design and develop the system. RAD includes requirements planning, user design, construction, and cutover. A descriptive approach was used to evaluate the system's quality and adopted a standardized questionnaire from ISO/IEC 25010:2011 Software Product Quality Model. The thirty (30) respondents of the study were selected using the purposive sampling technique. Mean was used in the overall rating. The system was rated 4.68 interpreted as very high by the respondents composed of the Quality Assurance Director, Deputy Quality Management Representatives, KRA Chairpersons, KRA Committee Members, ISA Assessors, and System Experts. The system was found to be easy to use and reliable in handling documents to support academic quality assurance. The system may contribute to the assessment and management of documents in the higher institution in the Philippines that entails heavy documentation to minimize the use of papers, speed up communications, save time, and increase work productivity in the preparation and actual assessment.

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How to Cite
Redoblo, C. (2021). Development of an Online Management System for Institutional Sustainability Assessment. Research Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 13–23. Retrieved from


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