Obrero: A Technological Solution to Youth Employment Challenges in the Post-Pandemic Era
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The COVID-19 crisis has significantly affected global employment, particularly impacting young workers in metropolitan areas who experience more persistent job losses. In the Philippines, many young workers struggle to find jobs that match their skills because of their limited years of experience and the high workforce supply in the country. To address these challenges, this paper proposes an on-demand job recruitment platform called Obrero that targets job seekers with national certificates. Obrero matches job seekers and employers through specialized assessment tools that evaluate applicants' skills. This platform also aligns applicants' qualifications with relevant opportunities from highly curated job listings and provides employers access to verified credentials, promoting transparency and trust while promising recruitment efficiency. Developed using Agile Scrum methodology, Obrero offers 21 modules for job seekers and employers. To determine the usability of this platform, 30 end users were asked to evaluate Obrero using the Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire (PSSUQ). The evaluation results show high system usefulness, interface quality, and information reliability levels. These results validate Obrero's ability to provide a practical solution that connects job seekers and employers efficiently and securely, thus facilitating a smooth job-matching experience.

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