Implementation of Board of Trustees Resolution Number 34, Series 2015: Follow-Up Study for Policy Enhancement
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The paper is a follow-up of the previous paper on the graduate school survey that focuses on the implications of Resolution No. 34, series of 2015. It takes up the current profile of the school on enrolment and number of graduates, policy compliance, blended-learning needs, faculty commitment, and feedback on the affordability, competitiveness, and patronage of graduate school programs and services. It adopted a descriptive design with 34 faculty members and 307 graduate school students as respondents. The survey covers three academic periods–from the academic year 2015-2016 to 2018-2019. Data were sourced from interview questionnaires, annual reports, and college documents. Frequency count and percentage were utilized for the treatment of quantitative data, and thematic analysis was followed for the explication of qualitative data. The full implementation of small-class size and adjusted salary scheme for the faculty resulted in a seemingly more accessible and less expensive graduate education for students. However, significant guidelines of the policy were not fully complied such as the submission and utilization of the blended-learning materials designed for small classes.The faculty needs further training in course website development, class material digitization, and instructional video development. On the other hand, students considered graduate education to be affordable and competitive for to them, cost, location, quality, and reputation are imperative for their continued patronage of the college graduate program. These outcomes call for the re-visitation and amendment of Resolution No. 34, series of 2015, and its guidelines to ensure its full implementation.

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