A Conceptual Framework for Building a Knowledge Base in Cybersecurity Incident Response
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The long-term survival of organizations operating in a highly competitive environment, such as cybersecurity, requires an effective strategy for knowledge management (KM). This paper brings a conceptual framework for building a knowledge base (KB) that will enhance the efficiency and efficacy of Cybersecurity Incident Response (CSIR) teams through integrated KM processes: the acquisition, codification, storage, retrieval, dissemination, and utilization of knowledge. The framework provides a structured system for tackling the challenges of managing tacit and explicit knowledge in CSIR environments. Developed through a comprehensive review of literature and theoretical models, it aligns well with established principles, like the SECI model, and industry standards, such as ITIL and ISO/IEC 27001. It focuses on the triad of people, processes, and technologies to facilitate access and application of organizational knowledge. This framework will shorten incident resolution time, support decision-making, and enhance organizational learning by providing a central knowledge repository.

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